Meanwhile, they twiddle their thumbs as the corrupt, racist liar-in-chief refuses to impose sanctions on Russia (why?), refuses to tell the truth about his ties to Russia (why?), refuses to stop enriching his private businesses through his government contacts (why?), refuses to share his taxes (why?), refuses to tell GOP fanatics around the country to stop their anti-LGBTQ policies and legislation (why?), refuses to stop contravening his campaign promises or the positive things his staff are trying to do (why?), refuses to act like a president and not a dictator.
See more ideas about memes, funny memes, stupid funny. Remember when the GOP became hysterical over Obama’s tan suit? And remember when they spent millions of dollars and found nothing on Benghazi? And remember how they obstructed him for 8 straight years, including doing anything to help the US economy, which nevertheless grew steadily under Obama’s watch, pulling us out of the worst depression since the 1930s and 40s, despite the fact that he won the Presidency twice, by sizable electoral and popular vote margins? And remember how they resisted again and again as he pushed for and helped to enact the most far-reaching LGBTQ rights in our history? Explore Bagel Bois board 'Big brain memes', followed by 208 people on Pinterest. Baneposting is the act of referencing and parodying an awkward dialogue between a CIA agent and the captive villain Bane from the opening scene of the 2012 DC superhero action film The Dark Knight Rises, the final installment of the Batman film trilogy directed by Christopher Nolan.